Italian made EO/IR systems


 situational awareness


Mission of PXION is to provide custom or standard EO/IR Situational Awareness Systems and/or Sensors and services, (fore and post sales - engineering of HW, FW, SW, manufacturing, testing, maintenance supporting, upgrading), responding to every technical specification to carry out the most challenging and demanding operational tasks.


PXION srl is an innovative Italian Start-Up established on the 20 th of november 2018 drawing from the 45 years experiences gained on the market by its associates and FAENZI OPTRONITALIA srl, with injection of competences of a team of engineers, specialized technicians coming from different experiences in different sectors of activity among which, (aside Defence): Oil&Gas, Naval and Aeronautical Engineering, Electronic, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Mechanics.

The new competences allow PXION to jump as a leader into the future of Unmanned Awareness and A.I.


PXION' s sectors of activity are mainly focused on the following applications on stationary and mobile Ground platforms and on board Air and Naval platforms

– Homeland Security:
Law Enforcement
Civil Protection
Security Services Companies
Infrastructure and Transport Security 

– Industry:
Chemical and Pharma Industry
Maritime Industry
Aeronautical Industry,
Logistic Compounds

-Unmanned platforms

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