PXION is based in Padova - Veneto, and its engineering and manufacturing premises is located in Grosseto – Tuscany.

The plant is a recent building, and cover an indoor area of 900 sqmt in a whole area of 2700 sqmt with possibility to enlarge the indoor premises.

It is endowed of all needed instruments and tools to realize all the offered range of systems; it is divided into:

-Administrative offices

-R&D laboratories

-Electronics assemble labs

-Climatic chamber

-Mechanical machining CNC machine tools

-Assembly line, measurements and Quality Control for final tests

-Composite materials machining section

-Warehouse of raw materials and finished products

A particular PXION's division located in Bologna - Emilia Romagna, takes care of contacts with our Scientific Comittee consisting of staff of PADOVA, SIENA and BOLOGNA UNIVERSITIES and Technologies Hubs.

EO/IR -HW, FW, SW div.

Our EO/IR Div. is totally based in Grosseto where engineering, manufacturing, assembly, testing is conducted providing also after sales, maintenances and upgrading services.

We realize sensors starting from a very basic question: "what do You want to see and at which distance in which conditions".

A PXION Situation Awareness EO/IR System is generally based on:




2A- ARES type

2B- VTH type

2C- Special”X”




5A- mobile UGS

5B- mobile VVS

5C- Naval platform NAVINIGHT

5D- Aerial platform AERONIGHT

5C- stationary UGS / mast

CYBER & A.I. div.

Systems engineered and manufactured by PXION are endowed with an open HW & SW platform for security of exchanged and stored information allowing to users the development of own applications and algorithms where needed.

The system consists of a simple set of APIs, (Optimised and GovMil Libraries are available too), installed in a single-chip design with embeded three main cores:

1- a highly powerful processor

2- a Common Criteria certified security controller

3- a high-performance FPGA

A hybrid software-defined perimeter (SDP) system allows remote control operations.

Our CYBER & A.I. Div. is based in Bologna.

Sit.Awareness - Syst. Integr. div.

The SItuational Awareness System Integration Div. is located in Grosseto and Treviso too, engineers and realizes our "S.S.A.S.", standing for Surveillance & Situation Awareness System”, based on “Volumes and Areas Control Modules” suitable to be used for many different applications as:

Defence, Homeland Security, Oil&Gas, Maritime, Aeronautics, Infrastructure Control.

The aim of the System, (an Integrated System including a set of sensors and Subsystems – also Unmanned – endowed with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms), is:

0- to secure network information exchange with C2 up to C4ISR systems based on 20' swap bodies and ISO shelters, consoles, laptop, tablets, (depending on application and operational tasks).

1- to monitor, search, acquire, recognize and track approaching targets distinguishing Unknown, Friends or Foes, Neutral ones.

2- to guarantee Surveillance & Situation Awareness on Environment, Areas and Volumes, (also on advanced remote autonomous mobile or stationary posts and platforms).

3- to manage, control operations and react to potential threats and environmental situations / events with QRF teams.

Unmanned & Spec. Appl. div.

A real FLAGSHIP is the Unmanned and Special Application DIv., allowing PXION, for both standard applications and particularly for special systems engineering and manufacturing, to carry out the following activity:

-Study, engineer concepts and realize prototypes and serial sensors/systems for special applications to be deployed in extreme operational and environmental conditions delivering where needed a single unit or single modification of an existing standard.

Usually the requirements start considering:

0- environmental specifications

1- type of object/target to be searched, detected, recognized, tracked

2- range for each above mentioned operational phase

3- integration with other sensors and systems

4- type of datalink and communication

5- remote or local control

6- type of System Control Station

The Div. is located in Grosseto and Treviso too, and can afford the most complex type of engineering, construction and assembly also providing where needed particular quality certifications, allowing for customer's audit certification too.

for technical and commercial information, meet our team

Dr. Marco Masiero - legal representative & B.Dev.                                                                               marco@pxion.it

Luca Faenzi - R&D and engineering                                                                                                       research@pxion.it

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